How can I enter my contact's bank details?

Enter your supplier contact's bank details and send money to their bank account directly.

By entering your contact's bank account details, you can send money to their bank account directly. This means your supplier will not have to enter bank details to accept your payment.

Note: It is not necessary to enter your contact's bank details to send them money. You can send money to a contact via email address and let them connect a bank account when they accept your payment. 

How to add a bank account for your contact

There are two options to add bank account information for your contact. 

Option A: Add contact's bank account information during payment initiation

  1. Start by initiating a new payment on your Payments dashboard.
    Click '+Payment' and select 'Send'
    Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 4.17.42 PM
  2. Follow the instructions and fill in the forms until you get to the 'Select your contact's deposit account' screen.
  3. Click on '+ New account' to add your contact's bank account information.
    Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 4.11.42 PM
  4. A modal will open. Fill in your contact's bank account information.
    Note: Ensure you enter bank details correctly. Jetpay cannot guarantee recovery of funds in case bank details are entered incorrectly.
    Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 4.07.36 PM
  5. Click 'Add Account' and follow through the rest of the steps to send the payment. 

Option B: Add contact's bank account information in the Contact details section

  1. To add contact details for an existing contact, select the 'Contacts' tab from the top navigation.
  2. Select the contact you want to add a bank account to from the list. A side panel with contact details will open.
  3. Click on the '+' symbol in the 'Bank accounts' section
    Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 4.30.00 PM
  4. A modal will open. Fill in your contact's bank account information.
    Note: Ensure you enter bank details correctly. Jetpay cannot guarantee recovery of funds in case bank details are entered incorrectly.
    Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 4.07.36 PM
  5. Click 'Add Account'. The next time you send a payment to this contact, you will be able to select the bank account you added from the list.


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